• 全椒县儒生方林,因恋人遭同乡吴嵩觊觎,在乡试中惨遭陷害。此后方林屡试不第,爱人小玥更是遭吴嵩所夺。方林心灰意冷,躲在私塾中潜心教学,只求能平安了此残生,却因为四个充满正义感的年轻人和一桩乡试弊渎案,再次被卷入了吴嵩的阴谋之中。此时吴嵩已官拜大学士,权势熏天。为了世间正义,方林与知府徐天佑携手,带领四名热血青年,向着阴谋最深处发起挑战,这一次方林发誓绝不会退缩半步····
  • An alluringly low-key and enigmatic portrayal of the alienation, disillusionment and loss of direction that have become widespread among young people in contemporary China. Filmed in elegant and absorbing long takes, the film interweaves the lives of several rootless people who become linked with one another by chance, by their sexual obsessions, and by the loss of a mobile pho...